
Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Picture book

I want to go look for a good planet for the future because the earth is dying.

The rocket was and red and black rocket it was very fast then all of us said 5 4 3 2 1 blast off!!!!!.

Then we went to mercury he got out of his rocket and said It's too hot here. O now I remember it's the closest planet to the sun. off to the next planet!.

Venus is the second planet from the sun Its too hot for me I don't need to go there off to the next planet!.

Now where going past earth It looks very fun but we not know about the planet . Off to the next planet!.

We landed on mars the 4th planet from the sun It has to many volcanoes off to the next planet!.

Jupiter is the 5 planet from the sun you can not stand on Jupiter off to the next planet!.

Saturn is the 6 planet from the sun we can't stand on Saturn to off to the next planet!.

Uranus is the second to last planet from the sun it's too cold for me to the next planet!.

Uranus is the second to last planet from the sun it's too cold for me to the next planet!.

Neptune is the last planet from the sun it is also to cold off back to earth!.

Well I was wrong earth is really the best planet for me. and I miss my family and friend and I missed earth

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

My post card to earth

Today I was finished doing my postcard to mars and I was writing a letter to my friend king